Evaluation of Phthalate Levels in Toys in Egyptian Market

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

2 Department of AnimalProduction, Faculty of Technology and Development, Zagazig university


The occurrence and levels of three common phthalates in toys and children products sold in the Egyptian market were investigated for first time. The investigated phthalates were diethyl phthalate (DEP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and dioctyl phthalate (DOP). Phthalates were extracted from samples by solid-liquid extraction followed by cleanup process. The samples were analyzed using HPLC system coupled with UV detector. The results showing presence of phthalates in most samples with levels exceeds the allowed values. Diethyl phthalates varied from 0.002% to 0.62% (in 65% of samples), dibutyl phthalate varied from 0.008% to 0.93% (in 60% of samples) and dioctyl phthalate varied from 0.02% to 1.15% (in 90% of samples). Raman spectra was used as reference method to verify the presence of the tested plasticizers (DEP, DOP and DBP) into the toy samples.


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