Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Health Practitioners' Performance

Document Type : Review Articles


1 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Minstery of Health, Saudia Arabia

2 Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Minstery of Health, Saudia Arabia

3 Family Medicine Physician (FMF), Minstery of Health, Saudia Arabia

4 Nursing, Minstery of Health, Saudia Arabia

5 Prince Sultan Militarian Medical City, Saudi Arabia

6 Northern Area Armed Forces Hospital (NAAFH), Saudi Arabia

7 Minstery of Health, Saudia Arabia


Background: Sleep deprivation is a common issue among health practitioners, particularly surgeons, and can significantly impact their performance and patient safety. Insufficient sleep affects cognitive functions, decision-making, and overall well-being, leading to increased risks in clinical settings.

Aim: This study aims to explore the effects of sleep deprivation on the performance of health practitioners, emphasizing the need for effective management strategies to mitigate its negative consequences.

Methods: A comprehensive review of existing literature was conducted, focusing on studies that analyze the correlation between sleep quality and job performance among healthcare professionals. Key factors such as cognitive function, emotional regulation, and patient care outcomes were assessed.

Results: Findings indicate that sleep-deprived practitioners exhibit reduced cognitive abilities, impaired decision-making, and increased likelihood of errors. Moreover, chronic sleep deprivation is linked to burnout and mental health disorders, further compromising patient care.

Conclusion: Ensuring adequate sleep and promoting well-being among health practitioners is crucial for maintaining high standards of patient care. Institutions must prioritize sleep health in scheduling and support systems to enhance both practitioner performance and patient safety.


Main Subjects

Volume 67, Issue 13 - Serial Number 13
In Loving Memory of Late Professor Doctor ””Mohamed Refaat Hussein Mahran””
December 2024
Pages 825-835
  • Receive Date: 11 September 2024
  • Revise Date: 21 September 2024
  • Accept Date: 23 September 2024