Enhancing Seismic Efficiency of Composite Steel Shear Walls Using Encased C-Shape Cold-Formed Steel

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Engineering-Mataria, Helwan University, Egypt


In order to improve the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls in high-rise structures, this research recommends employing an embedded cold-formed steel section (ECFS) composite wall. In order to determine how well composite shear walls withstand seismic activity, a battery of tests was run on four different specimens: two specimens with embedded CFS composite walls, one normal RC walls, and one cold formed steel bracing frame (CFSB-F). Specifically. A discussion was held regarding the experimental behavior of test specimens, covering topics such as load-deformation characteristics, damage development, energy dissipation, stiffness, failure mode, and ductility. As a result of the findings, it appears that composite shear walls that incorporate cold-formed steel have greatly improved lateral load can be reached over conventual wall by about 178 %, also Significantly enhancing stiffness of wall, and improvement in energy dissipation capacities by 16 %. Result showed good stability and performance of the composite shear wall with seismic loads in deformation capacity. Additionally, it was shown that crushing concrete could be reduced effectively. The maximum lateral load capacity was predicted using the Chinese Code for Design of Composite Structures. The comparison indicates a strong correlation between the test results and the estimated findings.


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