Natural Fibers Extraction Methods and Properties: A Review

Document Type : Review Articles


1 Textile Dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Badr University in Cairo, Egypt

2 Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt

3 National Research Centre


Natural fibers generated from plants are gaining substantial interest as sustainable and renewable reinforcements for polymer composites because of their low density, high specific strength and modulus, biodegradability, and widespread availability. However, efficiently extracting these fibers from their various biomass sources remains a significant issue. This review provides a comprehensive review of various natural fiber extraction methods, evaluating their efficiency and environmental impact. Key techniques discussed biological retting processes (dew, water, and enzymatic retting), traditional mechanical methods, chemical extraction as well as modern approaches like ultrasonic, microwave, and steam explosion extractions. The review highlights the advantages and limitations of each method, with a focus on their potential for sustainable industrial applications. Key elements determining fiber quality include cellulose content, crystallinity, thermal stability, and mechanical characteristics. The primary focus of this review is on the efficiency and environmental impact of various natural fiber extraction methods. Comparing traditional and modern fiber extraction techniques aim to provide insights into the most sustainable practices for fiber extraction.


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