Neem Tree Extracts Used in Textile Industries

Document Type : Original Article


1 Benha University, Faculty of Applied Arts, Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Department, Benha, Egypt

2 National Research Centre (NRC), Textile Research and Technology Institute (TRTI), Pre-treatment and Finishing of Cellulose-based Textiles Department (PFCTD), El-Behouth St. (former El-Tahrir str.), Dokki, P.O. 12622, Giza, Egypt


Azadirachta indica, also known as the neem tree, is a multipurpose plant that has been utilized for ages in traditional medicine, farming, and even the textile industry. Numerous substances, such as neem oil and neem extract, are produced by the neem tree and have been shown to have insecticidal, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities. Neem extract is especially useful in the textile sector since it can serve as a natural color fixative. This makes it a valuable component in the dyeing process since it can aid in enhancing the colorfastness of textiles. Furthermore, it has been discovered that neem extract possesses anti-bacterial qualities, which may aid in inhibiting the development of bacteria and fungi in textiles and so prolonging their longevity.

Neem extract is also being investigated for its potential to replace synthetic chemicals in the textile sector in a sustainable manner. Neem extract may provide a sustainable and natural way to dye and finish textiles as the market for non-toxic, environmentally friendly textile production methods expands. In conclusion, the use of neem extract in the textile industry holds great promise for improving the sustainability and performance of textile production processes. Its natural properties make it an attractive alternative to synthetic chemicals, and its potential to enhance colorfastness and prevent microbial growth makes it a valuable ingredient in textile dyeing and finishing.


Main Subjects

Volume 67, Issue 13 - Serial Number 13
In Loving Memory of Late Professor Doctor ””Mohamed Refaat Hussein Mahran””
December 2024
Pages 159-169
  • Receive Date: 25 December 2023
  • Revise Date: 11 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 28 January 2024