Phytochemical screening and toxicity studies for ginger extracts with evaluation of some biochemical parameters and anticoagulant bioactivity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Physiology Department, Plant Protection Institute, A.R.C. Dokki, Giza, Egypt

2 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University

3 Clinical Toxicology Department, Faculty of Medicine. Zagazig University

4 Field crops departement plant branch, National Research Centre. Dokki. Giza, Egypt

5 Physiology Department, Plant Protection Institute, A.R.C. Dokki, Giza, Egypt.


In the present study, the chemical investigation of the bioactive fractions for the aqueous and ethanolic extracts for the rhizomes of (Zingiber officinale), which resulted in the characterization of (32) compound for the aqueous extract and (65) compounds for the ethanolic extract which were identified using GC-MS analysis and (12) compound was mainly identified using LC-MS analysis for the aqueous and ethanolic compound. The final formulation of ginger extracts used for the toxicity study. The acute toxicity was evaluated as per OECD guidelines 423. Ginger extracts was fed at 5000 mg/kg body weight to prepared overnight fasted male rats (8-10 weeks old; 180-200g). In the acute toxicity study, no mortality or clinical signs of toxicity were observed at a maximum recommended dose level of 5000 mg/kg; therefore, the LD50 is >5000 mg/kg in rats. The animals were observed daily for clinical signs of appearance, behavior, toxic symptoms, abnormality and mortality with no symptoms of poisoning. Sub-acute toxicity of ginger extracts was studied by feeding the extracts at 1250 mg/kg equal 1/0 of the LD50 of ethanolic plant extract and 1770 mg/kg equal 1/0 of the LD50 of aquas plant extract daily to rats as determined and mentioned in our study and it is also supported by OECD guidelines 407. The repeated administration of ginger extract for 28 days in rats at the maximum dose level of 1250 mg/kg of the ethanolic extract and 1770 mg/kg of the aquas extract did not induce observable toxic effects when compared to its corresponding control animals, while hemophilia and the anti-clotting effect were clearly visible at rising doses administration up to 20 gm/kg from the ethanolic extract and 25 gm/kg from the aqueous extract. After 28 days, animals were terminal sacrificed, and gross pathological changes were recorded, the hematology and biochemistry profile of treated rats was similar to control animals, and the difference (P>0.05). The histopathology for (liver, kidneys and heart) of all the control and treated animals was normal. The screening and evaluation for bioactive constituent of the extracts exhibited potent anti-platelet aggregation bioactivity and vaso-relaxing activity.

