Production of complex fertilizers from Central Kyzylkum phosphorites according to phosphoro-sulfur-survey and nitrogen-phosphorus-sulfur insecticide

Document Type : Original Article


Chemistry faculty, Samarkand State University, 15, University Avenue, Samarkand, 140104,Uzbekistan


The article develops a new method for obtaining complex fertilizers with phosphorus-sulfur and nitrogen-phosphorus-sulfur insecticides from the central Kyzylkum phosphorites of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The moisture effect on the activation of Kyzylkum phosphorite samples in the presence of sulfur was studied. Research has shown that, as the amount of moisture in the system increases, the plant-assimilating P2O5 portion of the activated phosphorite increases, the carbonation degree increases, and the sulfur in the mixture becomes completely hydrophilic. X-ray analysis of phosphorite samples confirmed that it contains mainly phosphate, carbonate, silicate minerals. Calcium fluoride in the obtained radiographic peaks 1.72Å, 1.824Å, 1.90Å, 1.83Å, 1.84Å, 1.87Å, 1.91Å, 1.93Å, 2.24Å, 2.62Å, 2.69Å, 2.80Å, 3.16Å, 3.45Å, 3.87Å carbonate minerals 11Å, 865Å, 2,09Å, 2.29Å, 2.267Å, 3.01Å, 3.04Å the remaining peaks are silica, quartz and showed that it is suitable for other oxides. In the derivatogram obtained by thermal analysis of fertilizer obtained from unenriched phosphorite flour four and three exothermic effects at 360ºC, 406ºC, 540ºC, 678 ºC; two and three endothermic effects at 130 ºC, 821 ºC; three exothermic effects were observed at 397 ºC, 541 ºC, 698 ºC; three endothermic effects were observed at 97 ºC, 140 ºC, 795ºC respectively, for fertilizers made from low-quality phosphorite flour. Research has led to the compact energy development and resource-saving technologies for the phosphorus fertilizers production from phosphorites.The scientific research purpose, it consists of obtaining complex fertilizers with phosphorus-sulfur and nitrogen-phosphorus-sulfur insecticides from Central Kyzylkum phosphorites.


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