Evaluation of Biochemical and hematological Parameters in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Patients Associated Covid19 infection

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Community Health/ Baghdad Medical Technical Institute/ Middle Technical University.

2 Department of chemistry/College of education for pure sciences/University of Mosul.

3 Department of Chemistry, College of science, Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq

4 Technical institute/Mosul


G6PD-deficiency is the most prevalent enzymopathy over the world and this deficit is expected to impact about 400 million individuals worldwide. Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle East, including Iraq, have the greatest incidence rates in this deficiency. Aim of study: The main objective of the current research study the relationship between specific biochemical parameters and Covid19 infection associated G6PDD patients in Mosul City. A cross study in a group of 43 as 21 males and 22 females participants with Covid19 positively infection associated G6PDD, 51 Covid19 patients with any chronic diseases as 24 males, 27 females and 40 healthy controls as 21 males and 19 females participants by paid a visit outpatient clinics and private hospitals in Mosul city from the date of 15/1 to 15/2 of 2021. Whole blood samples were collected from all volunteers' patients and healthy to be analyze for serum G6PD activity, GOT, GPT, ALP, LDH and also analyze CBC. The results were showed that the majority patients of the Covid-9 with G6PDD indicated lower levels of serum G6PD activity in Covid19 patients with G6PDD more than Covid-19compared to healthy control, Also Covid19 with G6PDD having an effect increases of Total WBC and decreases in levels of Hb and PCV more than Covid19 patients.


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