Impact of the insecticide 14C-chlorfenvinphos in a terrestrial ecosystem

Document Type : Original Article


1 Applied organic chemistry N R C

2 organic applied chemistry N R C

3 Associate professor,NRC


Pesticides are an essential component of agricultural production. The increased use of pesticides greatly aided agricultural production, reduced stored grain losses, and improved human well-being in general. However, the use of pesticides may lead to unwanted residues such as traces of pollutants from food, the environment and living tissues. The environmental fate of 14C- chlorfenvinphos was studied using an agricultural ecosystem that included soil, plants, beetles, earthworms and one type of common bird in Egypt (Asfour Baladi). This study was conducted on a restricted field area that was cultivated with maize plants as target crop and soybean plants as an alternate crop. The residue level in soybean seeds was almost 6 times higher than in dry maize seeds. The high concentration of 14C- residues in beetles (1.28µg/g) was observed on day 26 after spraying 14C- chlorfenvinphos and decreased thereafter. The earthworms, on the other hand, showed a progressive increase with time and its maximum residue was detected after 75 days (3.25µg/g) .The dead birds showed the highest concentration of residues in the brain, liver and heart as compared with alive birds in the ecosystem. The chromatographic analysis indicated the presence of the parent compound in addition to three degradation products especially in dry seeds and soil.


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