Author = Y A Ammar
Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Properties of Lagenaria siceraria (LS) Cultivated in Egyptian Habitats

Volume 66, Issue 5, May 2023, Pages 357-368


Abd El-Raheem A. A. Aldewy; Ahmed I Hasaballah; Y A Ammar; Abdel Mohsen MM Nezam-El-Dien; Mohamed Shaaban

Phytochemical and Nutritional Studies of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria Siceraria Ls) Cultivated In Egyptian Habitat

Volume 65, Issue 12, December 2022, Pages 295-304


Abdel-Raheem A. A. Aldewy; Abdelaaty Hamed; Yousry A Ammar; Abdel Mohsen M M Nezam-El-Dien; Mohamed Shaaban

Preparation of Isatin/chitosan Schiff Base as Novel Antibacterial Biomaterials

Volume 62, Special Issue (Part 1) Innovation in Chemistry, December 2019, Pages 123-131


Ahmed M. Omer; Y A Ammar; Gamil A Mohamed; Yasser S Abd elbaky; Tamer M Tamer