Influences of Whey protein concentrate based-antimicrobial edible film coatings on soft cheese properties

Document Type : Original Article


1 Dairy Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

2 Dairy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt.

3 Food Technology Research Institute (FTRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt.


Whey protein concentrate (WPC) edible coating films contain sorbate, nisin, sorbate & nisin or marjoram oil as preservative systems were successfully used in soft cheese manufacture. Chemical composition, texture profile analyses and sensory properties were determined in addition to microbiological examination for fresh treatments and during storage at (5±2°C). Coated cheese treatments exhibited that fresh treatments have no significant differences in moisture and ash contents. Coated soft cheese with marjoram oil WPCM has the lowest pH value meanwhile, the control treatment has the highest. Coated soft cheese treatments have less weight loss compared to the control treatment. The WPCM cheese has the lowest hardness value on contrast to the control was the highest. Control treatment with no coating has the highest TBC comparing by coated treatments. There were no detected coliforms counts in all samples when fresh as well as during storage. Addition of WPC resulted to improve the preference of coated soft cheese especially WPCSN and WPCM treatments.


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