Impact of Some Fixed and Essential Oils Application on Fruit Quality of Pomegranate During Cold Storage

Document Type : Original Article


1 Horticultural Crops Technology Department, National Research Centre, El Buhouth St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

2 Horticultural Crops Technology Department,National Research center,Dokki ,Giza,EGYPT.

3 Horticultural Crops technology, Agricultural and Biological inst, National Research Center

4 Pomology department, National Research Centre (NRC ),Dokki ,Giza ,Egypt

5 Horticultural Crops Technology Department, Agricultural and Biological Division, National Research Centre


This study evaluated the effect of some fixed oils (olive and wheat germ) and some essential oils (sage, tea seed and citrus peel) as edible coatings on wonderful pomegranate's shelf life and fruit quality characteristics during 45 days cold storage, maintained at 5°C and 85–90% relative humidity (RH). Over a period of 45 days of storage, fruit properties were measured at regular intervals. The weight, volume, firmness, and weight loss percentage of the fruit; the total weight and volume of the juice; the total soluble solids; the total acidity; the ascorbic acid (Vitamin C); the total anthocyanin; the total sugars; and the total phenols were among them. Applying edible coatings infused with essential oils positively affects each fruit trait. Pomegranate fruits coated with three percent wheat germ oil and then three percent citrus peel oil maintained greater firmness, fruit weight, and juice weight while reducing weight loss. Additionally, it reduced the loss of ascorbic acid, inhibited the breakdown of total acidity, preserved greater values of total soluble solids, decreased total phenols, and maintained higher amounts of anthocyanin content. The results obtained indicate that the application of wheat germ oil at 3 % coating treatment may enhance postharvest storability, prolong the storage time, and keep the nutritional content of these wonderful pomegranate fruits for up to 45 days in cold storage at 5°C and 85–90% relative humidity.


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