Optimization and Validation of Reversed Phase Ion-Pair Liquid Chromatographic Method for Accurate Determination of Nitrate in High Saline Seawater

Document Type : Original Article


1 National Institute of Standards, Tersa St, El-Matbah, Haram, P. O. Box: 136 Giza, Code No: 12211 Giza, Egypt

2 Organic Analysis Laboratory, Chemical Metrology Division, National Institute of Standards, Giza, Egypt


An accurate method for the determination of low concentrations of nitrate in high-saline seawater is now well optimized and validated. The method is based on using reversed-phase ion-pair liquid chromatography with diode-array detection for accurate determination of nitrate in high-saline seawater without interference from highly dominant chloride and sulfate anions. The method showed satisfactory precision (ranging from 5.8% to 9.5%), linearity, and detection limits, and its trueness was confirmed by participation in the international comparisons of CCQM K-161 with seven national metrology institutes. The key comparison and spiking showed recovery rates between 90% and 110%. The validation results confirm the applicability of the optimized method for detecting very low concentrations of nitrate in high-saline seawater.


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