Characterization of Modification Acrylic Fibres Waste for Dyes Removal material

Document Type : Original Article


1 Proteinic and Man-made Fibres Department, Textile Research and Technology Institute, National Research Centre,

2 Ain Shams University - Faculty of Science

3 Proteinic and Man-made fibres Departments, Textile Research and Technology Institute National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt


Acrylic fibre wastes as well as waste water cause environmental problems. The main goal of processing acrylic fibre waste is to obtain absorbent materials for dye residues from wastewater, the treatments on acrylic fibre waste under various circumstances. Sodium hydroxide and its mixtures with ethanol, DMF, and sodium ethoxide have been applied for modifying acrylic fibre waste under different operating conditions, including duration, temperature, and concentration. The previously mentioned treatments improved dye removal, and the most promising hydrolysis efficiency is that of Na-Ethoxide. The investigation of this treatment and determining the optimum condition has been studied and characterized using SEM, FTIR, zetapotional, DSC, XRD and TGA measurement. TGA studies revealed its moderate thermal resistance. Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM) clarifies minor surfaces during the modification process as soon as related to the increase in fibre diameter and reduction in the fibre surface area. FTIR indicates monitoring the carboxyl groups and amid a group produced during hydrolysis, zeta optional. that reflects a significant drop in nitrogen concentration and the creation of negatively charged surfaces


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