Effect of Titanium Nano-Silicate Treatment on Functional and Appearance of Garment Linen Fabrics Blended with Cotton

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Textile and Clothing, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University

2 Clothing and knitting industrial Research Department, Textile Research and Technology Institute, National Research center


The appearance of garments is almost the main important property for people when wearing garments in parallel with the comfort and durability of the garment. This work aimed to enhance the appearance of linen blended cotton garments’ fabrics while maintaining the comfort and durability properties. Five different weaving fancy structures (Simple crepe weave, 8-thread crepe cord satin weave, Mock leno, broken twill, and 8-thread huck a back), and three different treatment concentrations (0%, 1%, and 2%) were used to modify the garments’ fabric appearance. Two-way ANOVA test was used to analyze data. It was found that the difference in the weaving structure affected thickness (mm), Air permeability (cm3/cm2/sec), Weft Tensile strength (N/mm2), Warp Elongation (%), Weft Elongation (%), Weft Flexural rigidity, and the pilling appearance grade of the garment fabrics samples significantly. However, the difference in the TiSiO4 concentrations had significant effects on thickness (mm), Air permeability (cm3/cm2.sec), Warp Elongation (%), Warp Flexural rigidity, Weft Flexural rigidity, and the pilling appearance grade of the garment fabrics samples. Also, quality factors were calculated for all samples to evaluate their performance. It was found that the difference in the weaving structure of the garment linen fabrics blended with cotton affected functional and appearance properties of the different concentrations. The results showed that different structures require different concentrations of TiSiO4 because of different behaviors of deposition and absorption of nano molecules from one structure to another. The best weaving structure to improve the performance of garment linen fabrics blended with cotton was the broken twill 4/4, the lowest structure in the order was the mock leno. Treating garments’ fabric by TiSiO4 with 2% concentration ranked the highest in each of the simple crepe weave structure, the 8thread crepe cord satin , the broken twill , the 8-thread huck a back structure .


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 06 August 2024
  • Receive Date: 02 July 2024
  • Revise Date: 28 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 04 August 2024