Document Type : Original Article


Irrigation and Hydraulics, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University


Constructed wetlands are considered a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to traditional methods for water treatment. They can act as bioreactors in water treatment. This research investigates a non-conventional treatment approach using constructed wetland to reduce the concentration of pollutants downstream the agriculture drains to achieve the allowable law limits of Egyptian law (Law 48 for 1982) for reuse purposes. Field samples have been collected to assess the water quality analysis of El Khadrawia drain and the point of connection with El Atef drain. For the point of connection with El Atef drain, three field samples have been taken during the summer, the worst operational period, for analysis in two locations: before the connection point and after joining El Khadrawia drain. For El Khadrawia drain, three seasonal field samples have been taken for analysis in a location just before joining El Atef drain. The treatment approach is to construct a wetland pond using Lemna plants as media. Pilot is done with a quantity of water from the drain equal to 30 m3/day for the pond. The density of lemna plant is 40 gm/m3. The wetland pond dimensions are (10*7.5*1.0 m) with an untreated drain water depth of 40 cm and inlet and outlet pipes of 4 inches with slope 1:1. The pond is isolated with polyethylene sheets to avoid seepage. The results show that the required limits to reuse drainage water of the El Khadrawia drain have been achieved using the mentioned treatment approach, plus this approach is effective environmentally, technically, and economically.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 03 August 2024
  • Receive Date: 17 March 2024
  • Revise Date: 21 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 03 August 2024