Synthesis of wood plastic composite based on flax fibers and sodium silicate/vinyl acetate versatic ester blend

Document Type : Original Article


1 Chemistry,Umm Alqura University,Alith college,Saudi Arabia

2 polymer departement,Atomic energy authority


A composite mixture based on flax fiber (FF) and polymeric matrix blend of sodium silicate solution (SS) with vinyl acetate versatic ester copolymer emulsion latex (VAcVe) as a binder has been explored as a viable material for use in manufacturing of wood plastic composite (WPC) . The study showed the influencing factors for improving the mechanical properties, fiber wettability and overcoming the disadvantage of SS in its solubility in water. The measurements of physical properties of the prepared composite such as flexural, tensile, elongation, compression, hardness, abrasion, density and effect of elevated temperature were investigated, also the morphological study of the steps through the preparation of WPC has been studied .The good dispersion effect of matrix and fibers can be achieved via the blending of SS/VAcVe treatment, which can ensure the stress load transfer from fibers to polymer matrix efficiently and improves the mechanical properties. Also, expansion rate of the final WPC towards elevated temperature has been discussed. The study offers a WPC with highly resistance to water and elevated temperature for use as a distinct alternative to the particle wood for indoor application and furniture


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 29 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 15 March 2024
  • Revise Date: 13 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 26 July 2024