Physico-Chemical and Technological Characteristic of Tomato and Orange Peels By-products

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Food and dairy Science Technology, Faculty of Technology & Development, Zagazig University, Egypt

2 FoodTechnology Department, Food Industries and nutrition Research Institute, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt


This study aimed to utilizing from by-products of two major sectors of food industries, i.e. tomatoes pomace (TPP) and orange peels waste (OPP). Therefore, chemical composition, functional characteristics, total phenol, total flavonoid, antioxidant activity, amino acids and fatty acids of all by-products samples were evaluated. Also, soft wheat flour (SWF) was evaluated, where it could be mixed with OPP and TPP to produce some functional bakery products.

The results showed that fat, protein, and fibre in TPP were higher than those found in SWF or OPP. Also, ash content of OPP reached to 9.43%, while it declined to 4.58% and 0.62% in TPP and SWF, respectively. Also, OPP had higher Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Iron compared to TPP and SWF. While, TPP had higher Magnesium and Zinc.

Furthermore, OPP and TPP characterized with their higher functional properties compared to SWF. TPP had highest phenolic and flavonoid compounds followed by OPP and SWF samples. OPP and TPP were regarded as superior sources of both essential and nonessential amino acids if compared to SWF. Tomato seed oil contained 21.97% saturated fatty acids and 78.03% unsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, the tomato peel oil contained 31.79% saturated fatty acids and 68.22% unsaturated fatty acids. The ratio between essential and nonessential amino acids were 1:1.59 and 1:2.11 for OPP and TPP; respectively.

On the other hand, most functional properties of OPP had higher values compared to wheat flour. Whereas, swelling ability, water holding capacity, and oil holding capacity of OPP recorded 20.74 ml water/gm, 16.05 gm water/gm, and 1.65 gm oil/gm, respectively.. From the obtain results it could be recommend to use OPP and TPP as a functional food additive to several bakery products.


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