High Valuable Materials from Phosphogypsum and Carbon Dioxide

Document Type : Original Article


1 Chemical Engineering Department, National Research Center, P.O.Box12622 El Buhoth St. Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

2 Suze University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

3 Fertilizer Complex Industry, Suez, Egypt


Recycling of waste materials  resulting from  industrial activity, such as phosphogypsum (PG) released during production of phosphoric acid, proved to be economically feasible. Technologies for the management of (PG) Ca-rich waste into useful products became a hot-spot study. Although carbon dioxide and calcium rich waste constitutes a problem but they can be used for the production of calcium carbonate. This paper summarizes a physical and chemical method for the utilization of phosphogypsum to produce five valuable products, such as, CaSO4.2H2O, K2SO4, Ca(OH)2 , (NH4)2 SO4 , and CaCO3 from phosphogypsum (PG). These chemicals  are used as catalyst, fertilizes and basic chemicals for food and chemical industries. Results shows that Merseburg process is a promising method for the consumption of (PG) as by–product as well as a minimizer for CO2 emissions. This was done by the capture of carbon dioxide gas during the production of calcium carbonate which  reduce CO2 emissions and impair further CO2 gas release. The five products obtained were characterized physically and chemically using XRF, XRD, SEM, and EDX analysis. This study supports efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and High-Value materials from two problematic hazard waste posphogypsum (PG) and Carbon dioxide CO2.


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