Potential Efficacy of Salvia rosmarinus Extracts as Anticancer, Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Characters

Document Type : Original Article


1 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Depatment, Pharmaceutical and drug Industries Research Institute, National Research Centre, Dokki, Egypt

2 Genetics and Cytology Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, National Research Centre, 12622, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

3 Department of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research, Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Division, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

4 Biochemistry Dept. Faculty of Agricultural, Cairo university

5 Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt


Salvia rosmarinus, which belongs to the Lamiaceae family, is recognized for its extract antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. The present work was focused on the anticancer and genotoxicity against prostate cancer (PC3), therefore, it was designed to evaluate plant characters considered as risk factors for cancer including antioxidant and inflammation properties by many procedures to assure the efficacy of plant crude extract and its fractions. The crude aqueous ethanolic extract and its fractions were analyzed for their phytochemical investigations using HPLC, GC/FID, and GC/MS. The biological evaluation was preceded on crude ethanolic extract as well as its petroleum ether and chloroform fractions. The fractions exhibited promising anti-proliferative (by MTT technique) and genotoxic effects (by Comet technique) on PC3, whereas chloroform and ethyl acetate (EtOAc) fractions showed strong inhibitory effects for cyclooxygenase-2 activity and produced superior antioxidant characters. The crude extract could be considered a rich phenolic source; hence, it contains rosmarinic acid, quercetin, and kaempferol. Fatty acid analysis (by GC) of petroleum ether fraction showed high unsaturated fatty acids, and the major fatty acid was linolenic acid. Omega fatty acids (Ѡ,3:6:9) were detected at a high rate, and the essential oil analysis showed that S. rosmarinus could be considered a Bornanone chemotype, monoterpenes, and the major compounds are oxygenated monoterpenes. Therefore, Salvia rosmarinus extracts can be used for many purposes, such as in the food industry, the therapeutic sector, and the cosmetic industry.


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