Physicochemical and Catalytic Conversion of Iso-propanol over NiO-doping/nanosized ZnO-Fe2O3 system


1 Physical Chemistry Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

2 Analysis and Evaluation Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

3 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Menofiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt


Catalytic activities of solids on isopropanol conversion at 200-400 ◦C using flow method. Addition of NiO and increasing the heating temperature stimulated ZnFeO4 formation. Crystallite size of ZnFeO4 phase varied between 11.5 and 28.6 nm. The increasing of calcination temperatures and/or by increasing the amount of dopant of various solids led to decrease of their SBET. The decrease of SBET might be attributed due to the creation of anionic and cationic vacancies which might increase the sinterability. Isopropanol conversion of the investigated solids increased which might be attributed to the formation of cationic and anionic vacancies which accelerate reduction-oxidation cycles.


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