The Expression Profile of MicroRNA LET-7a-5p in Children with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Document Type : Original Article


1 Chemistry Department /Biochemistyr division, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Faculty of Science, Cairo University Chemistry Department, biochemistry division

3 Pediatrics Department,Faculty of Medicine,Ain Shams University,Cairo,egypt

4 Department of clinical pathology-Hematology and Ain Shams Medical Research Institute(MASRI),Faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University


Background: Pediatric immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune condition whose cause is unclear and appears to include a number of different factors. Methods: In this investigation, quantitative real-time PCR was used to examine the expression profiles of the miRNA Let-7a-5p in blood samples from children with ITP and healthy controls (HCs). It was also examined whether miRNA Let-7a-5p was associated with ITP clinical characteristic parameters and whether it's potential usage as non-invasive circulating biomarkers for ITP diagnosis. The area under the curve was analysed after the receiver operating characteristic curve was generated.

Results: When compared to HCs, ITP patients' levels of the miRNA Let-7a-5p were considerably significant higher (P < 0.0001). Furthermore, there was a strong positive correlation between the expression level of the Let-7a-5p biomarker and the patients' levels of the antiplatelet antibody glycoproteins GPIIIa, GPIIb, and GP1b/IX (r = 0.637, 0.669 and 0.486).For miRNA Let-7a-5p, the biomarker demonstrated excellent specificity (96.8) and sensitivity (100%) at cutoff values of > 18.5. Serum miRNA Let-7a-5p may be used as a possible biomarker to distinguish between HCs and children with ITP.


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