CO2 Capture and Storage in Solid Waste and Low-Carbon Reactants for Sustainable Construction Composites

Document Type : Review Articles


Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI)


CO2 capture and storage, exploitation of industrial solid waste and low-carbon materials, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions have global attention for achieving some of the sustainable development goals. There is a great practical significance to using these materials to get improved construction materials with enhanced characteristics. Here, we outline the process of gas capture by several types of solid waste containing calcium silicates. Furthermore, the curing behavior and the mechanism of silicate during the accelerated carbonization reaction are discussed. The main reason for the enhanced mechanical and physical properties is the stable calcium carbonate precipitated during carbonization by reacting the leached calcium cations with carbonate anions. Finally, the paper highlights the deficiencies in the related work and recommends some perspectives on the process of hardening solid waste and silicates using waste gas to form useful and sustainable construction materials.


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