Toxicity assessment of novel Bacillus thuringiensis -based bioinsecticides formulation isolated from desert locust

Document Type : Original Article


1 Locust and Grasshoppers Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Mammalian and Aquatic Toxicology Department, Central Agricultural Pesticide Laboratory, Agricultural Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.


Biopesticides formulations based on Bacillus thuringiensis strains were successfully used in biological control against different insects such as desert locusts and grasshoppers. This study throw light on the impact of two biopesticides formulations (MR1 and MR2) prepared from Bacillus thuringiensis isolated from desert locust individuals collected from south east of Egypt on male of albino rats. The rats were divided randomly into five groups, control (P1) was given distilled water, groups (P2) and (P3) were orally intubated with 2X107, 8X107 cfu's /kg as low and high doses of MR1 formulation, respectively. Groups (P4) and (P5) were orally intubated with 2.6X107, 1X108 cfu's/ kg as low and high doses of MR2 formulation, respectively. The results of this study indicated an increase in Hb, RBCs, MCV, TP and AST and a decrease in WBC, MCHC and ALT. Histopathological examination showed mild vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes and pyknotic nuclei of hepatocytes. However, Histopathological examination of kidney showed engorged dilated renal blood vessels and mild to moderate necrotic tubular epithelium. Results from this study showed that MR1 and MR2 formulations based on Bacillus thuringiensis isolates were safe to mammals and could be considered as a safe bio-pesticide for future use against locusts and grasshoppers.


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