Synthesis and evaluation of friendly low cost flame retardant Material from local ores for the polymeric materials

Document Type : Original Article


1 National Research Centre

2 National Resaerch Centre

3 inorganic chemistry, faculty of science, national research centre.

4 preparation and finishing of cellulosic fabric ,textile research ,division ,NRC

5 National research center

6 Geology, NRC

7 Physical Chemistry, Inorganic chemical industries division, National Research Centre,



The aims of this work are synthesis and evaluation of nano-particles Diatom as flame retardant material for fabricated 100% cotton and 50/50% cotton/PET[polyester].. The unmodified and that modified with Diatom samples were characterized by using Infrared (IR) absorption and the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The Diatom nano-particles were introduced onto the fabricated cotton by different steps. The appearance of the absorption IR bands at the vibrationl bands at 1050-670 cm-1 are related to Si-O bond and at 590-447 cm-1 are related to SO4-2 vibration unit indicate that Diatom nano-particles are introduced into the cellulosic units. The thermal stabilities of the untreated and that treated 100% cotton and 50/50% cotton/PET samples were performed. The Thermo-gravimetric (TG) curves show that there is no changes by modification with diatoms. The curves show that the treated sample exhibits the same weight loss, This means that these samples have the same thermal stabilities. The flammability of the samples were carried out by using Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI). The results of the examination show that the value of LOI have nearly the same value for the cotton samples, so that this part needs more studies.


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