Water Chemistry and Quality Indices of El-Serw, Hadous, and Bahr Elbaqar Drains, East Nile Delta of Egypt.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt

2 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, NIOF, Egypt


The study focused on the comparison between water quality and its suitability for irrigation in three important drains, East Nile Delta of Egypt using different indices and factors. The analyses of various water parameters namely; physiochemical parameters (pH, T°C, EC and TDS), organic indicators (OM, DO, BOD and COD), soluble anions (CO3, HCO3, Cl and SO4), cations (Na, K, Ca and Mg), Nutrients (TP, TN, NH4, NO2, NO3, SiO4 and PO4) and metal ions (Fe, Ni, Cd and Co). The data were supported by different statistical analyses (Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Box plots). Sodium adsorption ration values give indication to unsuitability for use in the three drains. Water quality index values are more than 100 in three drains meaning unsuitability for use. The National Sanitation Foundation-water quality index NSF-WQI also categorized water into medium for El-Serw drain and bad for Hadous and Bahr Elbaqar drains. The permeability index PI showed a moderate class for each drain. While the potential salinity PS give indication to unsatisfactory for use. The Kelly index (KI) and percent sodium Na% give indication to unsuitability except the magnesium hazard that ranked water as good where magnesium percent in the normal range. Heavy metals concentrations of Fe, Ni and Co are within the limits of EPA 2002 except for Cd that exceed those limits, this is may be attributed to the high usage of phosphatic fertilizers and pesticides especially in Bahr Elbaqar drain


Main Subjects

Volume 65, Issue 132 - Serial Number 13
Special Issue: Chemistry and Global Challenges (Part B)
December 2022
Pages 969-980
  • Receive Date: 11 August 2022
  • Revise Date: 19 August 2022
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2022