Investigation of (4-Chlorobenzylamine) As A Corrosion Inhibitor for mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Media

Document Type : Original Article


1 Chemistry Department, Science College, Wasit University, Iraq

2 Iraq-wasit-Kut Iraq-wasit-Kut

3 Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Wasit University, Wasit , Iraq

4 energy dept, Almusayab ollege of engineering, Babylon, Iraq

5 College of Engineering/Al-Musayab ,University of Babylon

6 Ministry of Education-Babylon


4-Chlorobenzylamine was investigated as a mild steel corrosion inhibitor in HCl solution using weight loss and thermometric techniques. In hydrochloric acid media, 4-Chlorobenzylamine has been demonstrated to be an excellent corrosion inhibitor for mild steel. The inhibition process is connected to the formation of an inhibitor-adsorbed layer on the metal surface that protects it against corrosion. Surface coverage and inhibitory efficiency (% IE) increased as inhibitor concentration increased, but declined as temperature increased. The adsorption of inhibitors compounds on the mild steel surface was discussed using Langmuir's adsorption isotherm. The free energy value (Gads) suggested that the inhibitor molecule adsorption was physisorption, indicating the creation of a protective layer on the mild steel surface. The results demonstrate that 4-Chlorobenzylamine is an efficient corrosion inhibitor with good anticorrosion capabilities in HCl acid for mild steel.


Main Subjects

Volume 65, Issue 132 - Serial Number 13
Special Issue: Chemistry and Global Challenges (Part B)
December 2022
Pages 403-410
  • Receive Date: 08 April 2022
  • Revise Date: 14 May 2022
  • Accept Date: 28 May 2022