Geochemical Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Duwi Phosphorites in the Beida Mine, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: Implications of P2O5 – F – U Interrelations.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Biological and Geological Sciences Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Biological and Geological Sciences Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt

3 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

4 Geological Sciences Dept., National Research Centre, Dokki


Integrated petrographical, mineralogical, and geochemical studies were carried out on the phosphate beds of the Duwi Formation, which was exposed at the Beida mine. Petrographically, the investigated phosphatic microfacies are Molluscal bioclastic phosphatic grainstone and Biopeloidal phosphatic grainstone, generally composed of phosphatic pellets of collophane and bioclasts bone and teeth fragments indicating a high-energy near-shore depositional environment and formed authigenically within oxic to suboxic zones from phosphate-rich sediments. The main mineralogical constituents of the considered sample are phosphatic minerals including Dahlite, Francolite, and Hydroxylapatite, while the non-phosphatic minerals are Quartz, Calcite, Halite, and Ankerite. Geochemical studies reflect that the phosphorites in the Beida mine obtain medium-grade ore with an average of 25.01 % P2O5. The significant correlation between P2O5 and U reflects that the U may be present in the apatite crystal lattice. The more considerable values in calculated uraniumthan measured uranium could be attributed to the post-depositional enrichment of uranium.


Main Subjects

Volume 65, Issue 132 - Serial Number 13
Special Issue: Chemistry and Global Challenges (Part B)
December 2022
Pages 617-627
  • Receive Date: 28 April 2022
  • Revise Date: 17 May 2022
  • Accept Date: 25 May 2022