Sequencing of three genes from Pseudomonas aeruginosa responsible for rhl production and application in pharmaceutical and bioremediation fields

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of Botany, Alazhar university

2 Department of botany and microbiology, university of alazhar

3 National research center, Cairo Microbial Chemistry department, National Research Centre, 33 El-Buhouth Street,

4 Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University (Girls Branch), Cairo, Egypt.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1-B13 isolated from Cooktops of kitchen stove can produce amphipathic compounds, which allows it to perform some surface activities and are widely named rhamnolipid biosurfactant. Here, we report promising antimicrobial activity of rhamnolipid produced by the above strain against some tested fungi and bacteria in addition to antitumor activity against both Breast and Colon Carcinoma cell lines. Also, Rhamnolipid exhibited a high recovery of heavy metals from suspensions in the field of bioremediation. The cluster genes encoding for biosurfactant production (rhlB, rhlC and rhlI) were isolated and sequenced successfully. For these promising properties, efforts have been made for maximizing the production of rhamnolipid for commercial use through optimization of various nutritional and environmental factors. The maximum production rate was achieved at 37 ˚C, pH 6.8, incubation period for one week at 150 rpm, only one carbon source; sunflower oil; inoculum size, 4.84 x106 CFU; amino acid, Dl-valin; KCl, 500 ppm; vitamins, none. CH3Cl:CH3OH was used to extract Rhamnolipid in a 2:1 ratio. Here, we recommend further investigation for this promising strain for large-scale use in the field of pharmaceutical and bioremediation.


Main Subjects

Volume 65, Issue 132 - Serial Number 13
Special Issue: Chemistry and Global Challenges (Part B)
December 2022
Pages 73-86
  • Receive Date: 10 January 2022
  • Revise Date: 05 March 2022
  • Accept Date: 03 April 2022