Synthesis & Biological Evaluation of Novel Series of Benzo[f]indazole Derivatives

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Mosul, College of Agriculture and Forestry, Branch of Basic Science

2 Department of Chemistry, College of Education for pure science, University of Mosul

3 Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, Al-Noor University College, Mosul-Iraq


A new series of benzo[f]indazole derivatives was synthesized via cyclo-condensation of β-ketoester with arylidenes derivatives in the presence of alcoholic sodium hydroxide to afford octahydronaphthalene-2-carboxylates. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition between these carboxylates and hydrazine hydrate to form benzo[f]indazole derivatives. New obtained compounds were characterized upon elemental and spectroscopic analyses. Antibacterial activity of selected derivatives was evaluated.


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