Synthesis, Characterization and Anticancer Assessment of New Nitrogen- Cyclic Compounds

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Chemistry ,College of Education for Girls , Iraq.

2 Lecture in Chemistry, College of Hilla University, Babylon, Iraq.


The contemporary work contracts with the production of new chalcone derivation from reaction between 4-aminoacetanilide with vanilline. formerly chalcone compound retorts with Acetoacetanilide, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, Thiourea, Thiosemicarbazide, o-phenylenediamine and Acetylacetone in absolute ethanol to prepare cyclic compounds derivatives through applying condensation reaction, cyclization reaction for carbonyl compounds with di amine compounds or amine with any other nucleophile compound to yield N-cyclic compound, and the chemical techniques were tested like identification study , bio study for these prepared compounds. Then anticancer Assessment of chalcone derivative , the structure of these derivatives were characterized by (H1-NMR, C13-NMR, H-C NOSY NMR, FT-IR) Techniques , melting points in addition to other physical studies., The date of Spectra measurements appeared exactly structures of prepared compounds through disappearing of some bands and appearance of new bands in formatted compounds represented by Nitrogen- Cyclic compounds.


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