Preparation, Determination and Study Toxicity Effects of new Mixed ligands Complexes Derivative from 8- Hydroxy Quinoline with Pd(II)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry , College of Education for Girls , Kufa Univ.

2 Department of Chemistry /Faculty of Education for Girls /University of Kufa , Iraq


This academic research consists of mixed ligands 8-hydroxy quinolone and new azo ligand [ (E)-2-((4-methoxyphenyl) diazenyl)-4-methyl-1H-imidazole](PMI) both of them coordinated with (Cu ,Ni and Pd)(II) , the mole ratio was (1:1:1) . the suggestion geometrical structures of mixed ligands and its complexes have been studied by (FT.IR, UV-Visible, 1H-NMR, Mass and elementary analysis (C.H.N) ) In addition, an electrical molar conductivity and magnetic susceptibility used for complexes . The results of analytical studies evidence an Octahedral geometries of (Cu, Ni) (II) complexes while , Square planer of Pd(II) complex .It seems to be there is noticeable inhibition of cancerous cells of human Thyroid cancer (FTC133 ) compared to normal cells , which mentions to the cytotoxicity of Pd(II) complex ., this results gave good information about including good inhibition against some types of tumor like thyroid cancer and it gave decreasing in size of tumor.


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