Author = Magdy R. Samak
Wheat Straw Pyrolysis for Biochar Production: Characterization and Application as Soil Conditioner

Volume 66, Issue 13, December 2023, Pages 2231-2236


Adel S. El-Hassanin; Amira Sh. Soliman; Magdy R. Samak; Ghadir A. El-Chaghaby; Abeer R. Radwan

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals during composting and vermicomposting processes of sewage sludge

Volume 65, Issue 132, December 2022, Pages 1155-1162


Adel S. El-Hassanin; Magdy R. Samak; Saber M. Ahmed; Mohamed M. I. Afifi; Aml M. Abd El-Satar