Recent Insights on Chitosan’s Applications

Document Type : Review Articles


Department of chemistry of natural and microbial products, national research centre, egypt


Chitosan (CS) is a biopolymer procured from the second most bountiful natural polysaccharide, chitin. CS has been investigated for a wide assortment of applications in the industrial, environmental, and biomedical fields owing to its bountiful beneficial traits. CS is a cost effective, safe, biodegradable, and biocompatible biopolymer. It exhibits anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, haemostatic and wound-healing traits. Thus, it was investigated as a wound dressing material and in tissue engineering applications. CS’s structure with its abundant hydroxyl and amine moieties conferred it adsorptive capabilities. Thus, it was utilized to adsorb and eliminate pollutants and also to adsorb and purify important enzymes. Moreover, the hydroxyl and amine moieties of CS permitted its derivatization so as to be capable of immobilizing enzymes via the sturdy covalent bonds. CS also served as an immobilization matrix for medications in order to provide targeted sustained medications’ delivery. Owing to the importance of CS, we attempted to discuss its bountiful applications while shedding the light on its beneficial traits.


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