Physicochemical Properties and Microbiological Quality of Dates Syrup Prepared from some Egyptian and Iraqi Dates Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Fruits

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food Sci. and Tech., Faculty of Agric., Al-Azhar Univ., Cairo., Egypt.

2 Food Testing Laboratory - Iraqi Ministry of Health – Iraq.

3 FoodTech. Dept., Faculty of Agric., Banha Univ., Egypt.


Dates syrup is one of the most food products in Arab countries. It is very rich in nutrients, certain sugars and minerals elements. This research, dates syrup was manufactured using two types of Egyptian dates (meghal and siwy) and two types of Iraqi dates (zahidi and khestawi), where two methods were used in manufacturing (direct heat and steam heating). All samples evaluated for physical and chemical characteristics, microbiological and sensory quality. The results showed that the direct heating extraction method for moisture, total sugars, crude protein, fats, and ash for each dates syrup siwy and zahidi dates were (28.94 - 29.32%), (56.82 - 51.50%), (1.4 - 5.32%), (0.27 - 1.50%), (1.35 - 1.09%), respectively. The previous analyzes were performed on dates syrup obtained by the steam heating extraction method for both meghal and khestawi dates syrup were as follows (21.07-19.35%), (76.11-72.39%), (0.93-0.93) 2.70%), (0.005-0.41%), (0.6- 1.90%), respectively. The study also revealed the microbiological quality was under permissible limits of Egyptian Standardization Organization. The sensory evaluation of all treatments showed a high degree of susceptibility in dates syrup extracted by steam heat, more than in direct heat extraction. Therefore, the study recommends that the steam heat extraction method was better than direct heat extraction in all chemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics.


Main Subjects

Volume 65, Issue 131 - Serial Number 13
Special Issue: Chemistry and Global Challenges (Part A)
December 2022
Pages 175-184
  • Receive Date: 18 July 2022
  • Revise Date: 30 July 2022
  • Accept Date: 31 July 2022